Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The way I see it.

Read this article and then come back to me.
This makes me so angry. How stupid and ignorant can you be? When Jesus walked the Earth did he go around encouraging his disciples to only talk to Christians? Did he say that we should stick our heads in the sand when things aren't centered around God? I'm sorry but this mentality makes me furious. The whole reason we don't have prayer in our schools anymore is because we as Christians sat back and let it happen. The whole reason our schools are going to pot is because we as Christians have pulled all our children out of public schools so we therefore no longer have any influence nor are any of our children witnessing to those that need it the most. The way I see it, we have taken our light and hid it under a bushel, just like the song says we shouldn't do and it's also in scripture, Matthew 5:14.
I honestly do not understand this mentality. If we only go to Christian schools, or heaven forbid, homeschool, then only work in a christian environment, and only socialize w/people that go to church, then my question is, when do you fulfill your purpose to witness and tell of God's word? If we shut ourselves off and only have minimal contact w/"non believers," wouldn't that be called a cult?
Remember what happened to Jonah when he didn't go and preach like he was asked to? There's a whole book about it.
My Bible very clearly talks about how Jesus consistently went out and touched everyone's lives. Not just the pretty people, or the people he saw in church, or even the people that came to Him. He sought people out and when there was a need he went and showed of God's love by his actions and his words. God wants us all to be with him in Heaven, the choice is ours, and it's our responsibility to make sure everyone has been given the opportunity to hear about God. It's up to us to live and be Christlike so that people will see that we are different and want to know where our strength comes from. He called us to be fishers of men.
How sad for people to even say that Christianity is the best kept secret.

Matthew 5:16
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

addendum 1:
I just re-read the article and now I'm upset about another thing this person is saying. He says, "the vast majority of Christian children who attend public schools lose their faith."
A. Where does this information come from? Are ALL of our kids losing their faith?
B. Would that really be the fault of the public schools or should we maybe take a look at how we've run our household and the example they've had? How involved are we as parents in their school? Since this man is making some pretty broad generalizations, let's give a little leeway to me also. I know that you can have the most devout Christians who have raised their kids in the church and done everything humanly possible to make sure they are also Christians, and yet they become heathens like no other. We also have to consider the child that had the worst example of family and the most heinous of upbringing's and then goes on to become a pastor or even a shining example of how we should live and loves God whole heartedly.
C. I would like to know how many kids have been home-schooled or gone to a Christian school and lost their faith. Of the people I know personally who have been homeschooled, I would say only a couple are still firmly rooted in their faith AND living a clean lifestyle, not to mention the few that actually graduated. I also went to a youth group at a church that had a school. After those couple of years of torture, I promised myself that I would never, as long as it was possible, NEVER send my kids to a christian school. Those kids were the most pretentious, stuck up, socially retarded, and just plain meanest kids I have ever come across. The way I saw it was, that you send your bratty little kids to a Christian school so they can walk around like their poop doesn't stink, and they will never learn to welcome people and be friendly because they have only ever had to socialize with the ten other people in their class, and you will have kids that have no idea how to deal with real world issues when they are no longer in their little bubble.

addendum 2:
I have had this article in my planner for six years now. There is a date on it of October 22, 2000. I've kept it because it really says what I feel in a much better way than I can.
It is written by Lee Fruh
"Tori, our youngest, started kindergarten this fall. She didn't go quietly. The week before school started, she boldly declared, 'Mom, I'm not going to school. I'm going to stay home with you and be stupid.'
In many ways, her mom and I would prefer that. Not that she be stupid, but that she stay home. We take no joy in the thought of what she will endure in her academic career: stubbed toes, broken hearts, confusing concepts, tests of faith. But in Tori's case, we know that going to school is the best way for her to prepare for life. Particularly, the Christian life.
You see...Christians go.
God set the example. He sent His Son out of comfort and safety into the hard, cold, painful reality of the world. Then after Jesus endured it all--including treachery and murder--He turned to those dear to Him and with His last words while on earth said, 'Go' (Matthew 28:19) For 2,000 years now, His followers have left their houses, towns, countries and cultures to go.
It's morning now. As I work at my computer, it occurs to me how incredibly quiet it is. No doors slamming, no shouting, no pitter-patter of little roller blades marking up the floor, no interruptions in the middle of a profound thought.
Meanwhile, Tori is in a school yard, running, giggling, screaming. There is sand in her hair and a bruise on her shin. Already she's beginning to pay the price for going.
Daddy feels a tinge of sadness, but no regret. Because Tori is learning to do what Christians do...they go.


Anonymous said...

You know the way In see it, most adults that have been home schooled are socially retarded. They also try to compensate their lack of education by using big words and bragging about how smart they are-what a shame.

McBunni said...

Oh holy cow----Can I get an AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!

abq, you are the bomb and said that better than anyone could!

Danielle said...

I completely agree. Many Christians have forgotten that we are not called to be segregated and comfortable. We are called to be in the world, but not of the world and that, as you said, begins with parenting and setting a good example for your kids. As far as home schooling, public schooling or private schooling, I think each one is a great for the right kid. Every one of those avenues will reap many successes and failures.

Anonymous said...

...My how "Armenian" of this particular minister.

quote: He says the vast majority of Christian children who attend public schools lose their faith.

I missed the memmo...At what age did these children become "Christian"? Or, are they Christian through heredity? The Calvinist would say that you can't lose faith...if you did you never had it to begin with. (I'm not claiming to be calvinist)

My bible says (in short form) that faith is a gift of God. I don't see it as the work of the parents. Yeah, parents can educate, but they can't force committment to God.

quote:Lowers and other advocates for Christian homeschooling say parents shouldn't delegate their God-given responsibility to "raise up a child in the way he should go" to godless schools with an increasingly anti-Christian curriculum.

ummm...that's a straw-man. Who said your delegating antything to anyone?!? These people would be fools to begin with to think they delegated their responsibility by allowing education from outside sources.

raise up a child as he should go...hmmm, lets assume Jesus was a raised as he should go ...he was raised from a young age to know that he worked for his food..not just expecting it. He was raised to REASON differences. He was raised to eat the fish, and spit out the bones...all things still relevant today, but did his mother teach him his trade?

Face it, kids are, for the most part, very estute...they notice everything, and if the parents are lousy examples of christianity...the apple isn't going to be far from the tree. If the parent is interested and involved in the kids life, the parent will be able to challenge and REASON the incorrect or flawed influence of others.

By the nature of being human we're born selfish and sinners, not holy and saved, and a committment to follw Jesus is a personal decision ALL must make for themselves.

By sheltering the kids and pointing the finger at the heathen, you merely encourage seperatism, rather than acknowledging the biblical understanding that we must be IN THE WORLD...but not OF IT. It is the sheltering type of parent that produces 30 yr old male children incapable of making decisions of wether to remain in their own marriages.

Anonymous said...

i think it is ridiculous too, people aren't going to be living in a plastic bubble. but it can go both ways, i don't think kids who are homeschooled are socially retarded. that might be a little harsh. its just a personal choice of the parents, so, while we all can agree this article is over the top, and your scriptures support this very well, (kudos) we must not tread into "judgementalism" either way. to home school or not. or to send your child to private school or not.

Jenn said...
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Jenn said...

Very well said Susie

I do not like that Christian bubble either. Not one bit. It goes to the heart of the matter with the book of John and the message of Christ, be in but not of the world.

Additionally, I want to address your commenter Anonymous:

Have you met many homeschoolers? 3, 4, 5, a dozen?? Possibly a fraction of a percent of the national average of graduating homeschoolers?

1.1 Million Homeschoolers graduated in 2003 according to the National Center for Educational Statistics. I would then believe that you stereotyping "most homeschoolers" is rather offensive and lacking merit. About as narrow-minded as me saying that public school graduates are "mostly" druggies, idiots and slackers.

I am a homeschooled graduate albeit I may not have had the social interaction that public schools provide but I certainly wouldn't call myself or my two sisters "socially retarded" so perhaps you should rethink that judgement.

Futher, I find the justification of my IQ to be idiotic and would wonder why you would care so much? Perhaps you are or have studied this in a Social Awareness class.

I do not homeschool my four children. I do not care to, and that for my own reasons. But do not label me as socially retarded when you cannot even engage in a conversation with your actual name and website to back your opinions. It appears you are looking for an easy debate. I could be wrong.

I see any kind of schooling can have negative and postive aspects. Did you consider the bragging you encounter would have to do with the fact that you SO READILY put down homeschoolers. Feel what you may about homeschooling, everyone has their own opinion and for that I cannot fault you.

*I* have been through ridicule for *MY PARENTS* choices. I have also dealt with bosses with your prejudice that would give a job to a public high school grad that wouldn't know who was buried in Grant's tomb let alone basic math. This while I have rightfully earned the position.

Meanwhile, I'll let that sink in while you get your dictionary...I'm afraid I've used some big words.

Anonymous said...

You just proved my point on being socially retarded. You have to talk down to people to make yourself feel good. As far as big words-if you consider those "big words" well you're one of the lesser educated homeschoolers.

Anonymous said...

I have been exposed to many home schoolers, my Church has a lot of proponents of this method, and I have debated with many of them. I would even go so far as to admit I have a bias against it (I'm speaking about now, in the past I was in favor of it, and was planning it myself) due mainly to my personal relationships with the fruit of those with the mentality such as this minister.

Let's look at facts. People on both sides of the fence can point out how [so and so] was home schooled and was either successful or not, and rightly so...there is no magic formula, there are too many variables. Both home schooling and public schooling have produced vital members of society...the same can be said for the opposite....OR, was it the system that produced them? ...Hmmmmm.

But if you want to make a decision on the highest quality of education, based from a logical perspective, one would be forced to ask several questions:

1. Is the individual doing the teaching, qualified, skilled and experienced in the field they are teaching?

2. Are they prepared to quickly and accurately answer the questions of the students?

3. Does the teacher have at their disposal adequate resources to demonstrate the topic?

4. Is the child going to be guided in what he can learn from and about his peers, as well as from the textbook?

What about in the case of a struggling family...father works 6 days a week trying to make ends meet...When is his son going to get the time to learn the things he needs to learn from him?

I'm not saying "no one should home school" ...if you have the ability to say in an unbiased fasion that you are equipped, propared and fortunate enough to do so while not sacrificing the well-being of the family...go for it, but the bulk of people CAN'T say that unbiasedly.

From the biblical perspective:

1. Only SOME have the gift of teaching. (and while anyone may be able to develop that gift, do you want to do so at the expense of your child's education)

2. No one I have spoken to has been able to produce for me a solid doctrinal position for this idea. The best they have been able to produce is a 2000 year old "model" based on history and particualar verses, which as any student of scripture knows...models eventually break down.

Again as a Christian, I do believe that ensuring the proper education of a child is solely the parent's responsibility...regardless of where they go to "school".

Jenn said...

Well, that is easy pointing fingers at me when you are unable to face your own faulty thinking, let alone answering any of my questions.

It must have bothered you a great deal to see how little thought out your comments were and to be called on the carpet. You should consider engaging in a conversation without attacking people and instead share ideas, maybe even opposing ideas. I challenge you to respond to the points I brought up or will I hear more about how retarded I appear to you?

Speaking of retarded, you speak of my "social retardation because I'm talking down to your prejudice? When is glorying in name calling and prejudice equal to social compatability?

Seeing I do not get my self-worth from responding to anonymous commenters online, I find your point mute and a cop out. You glory in speaking ill of a LARGE group of people due to your limited interaction with them.

Can you see why I have a problem with that?

Even abqchunk and I can disagree over issues and yet, I find her opinions enlightening and insightful. We may not share opinions but at least we have understanding AND I continue to read her blog because of it.

R said...

I don't agree with any of you. I think that the article is right. I personally don't think that Christians should have their kids in public schools (unless they have to--financial reasons, etc---you have to be able to live). It doesn't really bother me when they do, but it bothers me that Christians have this idea that Christian kids should be evangelizing.

I homeschool for various reasons, but mainly because I do not wish to put my kids in the government schools. I am a product of public education and I know what it is like and I don't think that it is necessary. I get tired of hearing people (as if it is any of their business) ask me if my kids get enough socialization. I get tired of people acting like someone has to be a "qualified" teacher to homeschool. Sometimes I am learning right along with my children! Maybe this makes me unqualified and stupid. But, this, I think, can be a great example because my children can learn that they can be independent and teach themselves things. And--adults can learn new things as well!

No--we are not called to be segregated and comfortable. But I am not going to just throw my child in front of a speeding car. I am called to guide him (maybe across the street so that the speeding car won't hit him!). We as Christians are truly "set apart". I don't think the Jews would allow their children (if they were following God's instruction) to go to school with the Phillistines.

My own oldest son is what one would call "socially retarded". He has autism and I think schooling him at home was probably one of the best decisions I have ever made. I did not think at first that he would lead a normal life. But---because I worked intensely with him his first year in school (we were very worried), I am convinced that he will lead a very normal life despite his eccentricities. I don't mean to pick on what "anonymous" said because he or she seems to bite a little bit---I just don't think that the comment was very fair. But, you know what, if my children will be considered socially retarded later in life, I could care less. I know I did the right thing by them by not putting them in public school.

I firmly believe that God calls us as families to care for what is before us first and foremost: our husbands, wives, and children. I can't see myself just sending them off to some place where there are liberal teachers (at least the majority of mine were) and no Christianity whatsoever. No way. And there really shouldn't be Christianity in public schools! It is not Christian and never was. I had sex education as a course four times. I learned how to put a condom on, that I should masterbate; I saw what a penis looked like for the first time. I saw various diseased genitalia. Over and over. Yeah, I want to send my kid there just as much as I want to let my kids watch MTV. I would prefer also that my kids did not hear the F word and the sh word and everything else. I would prefer that they still think that the "s" word is "shut up". The less it is ingrained at an early age the less it will stick, I think. I really don't want my kids playing with the pagan kids down the street! Who knows what their parents allow them to do! I played with a little girl down the street as a child and I was introduced to pornography. That's some good socialization.

If my children can see that my husband treats me well and loves me as Christ loves the church, and that I respect my husband and submit to him then I think they will be set for marriage. My kids play with each other more than they do with other kids. Not because they don't want to play with other kids, but they love each other! What about that socialization? Most of the socialization I learned from my own family as a child set me up for becoming an adult. And that is what we are there for--to teach our children to be adults. Who better than a parent?

McBunni said...

First, let me say the part I agree with is Christian kids need to be in the schools to influence the "lost." I do NOT agree with Mr./Ms. anonymous. I want to make that clear.

anonymous: I was not home schooled. Let me use small words for you to understand. .....wait, nevermind---all my blogging buddies are Christians, I do not wish to offend. Get the facts before you post something, huh? Homeschooled kids are some of the smartest people I have ever seen. One guy I went to college with was a top notch cello player and was going into the armed forces for foreign intel or something like that cuz he knew several different languages. The other homeschooled guy I know is a guitar player in a rock band. That doesn't sound socially retarted to me.

ANOTHER homeschooled kid I know is an excellent writer with great wit and knows more stuff than anyone I have ever met. ....and she seems hip enough to me. No hint of retardation there. Right, Emmers? :)

Anne said...

I've got too much to say but believe it is better left unsaid.

Anonymous said...


You say you don't think any chritians should have their kids in public schools unless necessary, but the majority of reasons you give for that opinion are based around your personal experiences. There is a whole world out there that needs to be considered.

You don't understand why christian kids should be evangelizing? I never saw an age limit on the biblical calling to do the work of an evangelist...you dont understand, if your a christian...its not a choice of whether to join the ministry...your in the ministry. If your children are at an age of understanding what it means to make a committment to Christ...their not exempt.

I'm not saying evryone is an active evangelist....but the world is watching.

Your analogy of the jews and phillistines is not applicable today. That was a religion issue. we're talking about a public forum where it is understood multiple races and religions must co-exist.

Of course curriculums are becoming more liberal...why shouldn't they...the Christians will just high-tail it and run if they don't like it. Why should the government consider Christian values in education when they are supposed to be home schooling anyway?

Don't think I'm attacking you, but while I would agree that our first responsibility is at home, It does not negate any believers responsibilities outside the home. Share the care.

You talk about the negative effects of Socializing you experienced, such as the introduction of pornography, but you dont mention ever voicing to the person that it is wrong. Maybe you did, or maybe you were simply unprepared for that type of confrontation. Either way, if you were prepared for it you might have been able to take a negative situation and used it to plant seeds...that's how I came to faith, someone had the guts to tell me i was wrong and was prepared to explain why!

We need to get our kids acclimated to the trenches early becuase no matter what they will be there one day, and it would be a dis-service to them if it is a culture shock.

Anonymous said...

wow abq, you really opened up a can here. interesting discussion to be sure

R said...

ufa---I have plenty of reasons besides my own experiences for homeschooling.
I think it is MY responsibility to give my child a Christian education. I think it is my right as well. I am not going to throw my kid in public school where Christianity is not taught.

I was always a strong Christian in public school. Yes, I got ridiculed. That was not the issue as much as it was not really my ground to try to evangelize children in school. We are there to learn, not evangelize. Granted one of my friends became a Christian because of my influence, but that does not mean that I should go out in school and win souls for Christ. That is not the purpose of school. I don't know why we have to bring evangelism into school. Why is that an issue anyway. Don't get it, but that is ok. You guys are all entitled to your own opinions and I respect them.

I don't think I knew what pornography was when I was little---when I was exposed to it I was probably eight. Had no idea to say whether it was wrong. No one else in this friend's house seemed to think it was bad. I knew it was weird. I just saw it and did not talk about it. But images remained in my mind. How am I going to tell them that it is bad when I have no clue about any thing at eight years old? I am not going to tell a bunch of non-Christians how to live anyway. They are not Christians. They are not expected to act like Christians. We are only to encourage those that are within the body of Christ to not sin.

Not saying that no one comes in the fold. That is not what I am saying at all. Evangelism is totally key. But not in school. I don't want a bunch of Muslim kids at the public school evangelizing my kids! If we are all a big melting pot of different races and religions, I don't really want my kids in that mess.

I think my analogy is totally right. Sorry. We will just have to disagree.

I don't think there will be culture shocks. I don't think any of my kids will be in mental institutions by their upbringing. I technically should be in a mental institution by mine (it wasn't very wonderful and I am sure some of you could agree that yours was not too great either).

I do what I believe God wants me to do. If you believe that your child is "called" to evangelize to children as they are learning in school, send them off. I don't agree with it just as you don't agree with me. I think the "right" thing in my heart is to raise my children with a solid foundation FIRST and then send them off into the world. Jesus did do that with his own disciples. He was guiding them, encouraging them, teaching them until they could understand and THEN He went to the Father and sent his disciples out.

I did not have a good foundation as a child to evangelize in a pagan environment. I was a child. I am not saying that a child can not do it. I just think it is a strange reason (no offense, really!) to not homeschool or put your kids in a Christian learning environment.

That's all.

R said...
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Granny said...

Has anyone but me noticed that they're always anonymous?

How sad that he or she lacks the courage of his convictions to declare them publicly.

It seems to be the way of trolls.

jhart said...

Wow! This is heated! I'm visiting from Emma's site, and am intrigued by the arguments.

My husband and I are still trying to work out the education decisions. Our son is only 1, so we have a little while, but a very little while. I go back and forth on the issue and actually my Christian faith has very little to do with it. My real reason for considering homeschooling is the lack of quality teaching in public schools. Yes, not all people have the gift of teaching, and those who do not have a gift for it seem to matriculate into a teaching degree. My husband was simply ignored through school. He was independant and energetic (often labeled ADHD), and allowed to sink to the lowest expectation as long as he stayed out of everyone's way. Then he scored phenomenally on his ACTs and got the same scholarship to college that I did (and I worked my fanny off in high school). I don't want my kids to be just another face in a sea of faces.

On the other hand I worry about chances to evangelize and about making my kids not of the world OR in it. I went to public high school and had a very positive influence on a lot of friends. Several of my friends came to Christ because of relationship with me. When I went to Christian college, I lost that outlet and now my "evangelizing skills" are dulled down.

I guess my real problem with either way is that people get "do or die" attitudes about it, and I see it as a very individual choice, both by family (resources and time) and by children (each child's needs are so different).

My dear friend homeschools her children and does a fabulous job. The quality of curriculum and co-ops out there is phenomonal. But there are other people I wouldn't want to homeschool their children either because of family dynamics or personal needs of the children. I don't believe there is one pat answer for one group: americans, Christians, Jews. I think it's closed minded to say there is. And to label and group people by their opinions is uncalled for. Here we are arguing that homeschooling or not homeschooling is for Christians while calling people ugly names and insulting their intelligence, upbringing, and ability to reason. How odd? Doesn't this sound like school yard bully talk? If we haven't risen above the fourth graders then we aren't equipped to debate these topics out.

I don't want my kindergartener coming home using foul language, but I also don't want to keep my kids only around Christian kids "if the salt loses it's saltiness...". I don't want to apply Christian principles to school systems. They aren't Christian; neither is the US. But I can equip my children to function as Christians in a non-Christian world. Christ didn't try to change Rome, or ask his disciples to stay away from Rome. In fact, Paul used his Roman citizenship as an avenue to spread the Gospel. We are to be as wise as serpents and as gentle as doves. Not as blind as ostriches with our heads in the sand.

And by the way, many of the founders of our country and discoverers of great truths were educated at home. Socially retarded is a relative term. I believe people who cannot argue fairly and cannot listen at least as much as they speak (or type) need some social skill adjustments, but that's just me.

Obviously education is moving to the same category as religion and politics: too fiery to be table talk.

Anonymous said...


I'm agreeing with you on the point that it is YOUR responsibility to give YOUR children a christian education. IT is EVERY christians responsibility to THEIR child a christian education, let's get past that.

The issue worth debating is this defeatist attitude that it is all or nothing. What is it that makes you beieve that if a child goes to public school YOU can't have a part in their life and education as as well? Teaching that which wasn't? When I was in school we had sex ed. My parents had me pulled from the THAT class...i went to study hall. There are options. It didn't cost me my letter in music, nor the knowledge in machinery that later became my trade.

At least there is agreement that it is the parents responsibility for "christian" education.

The issue is "quality of education".

Let's remove the entire concept of evangelism from the equation..you know, that very fundamental precept of the entire christian faith... that you claim to ensure your children are brought up properly in...let's remove it entirely. For the sake of arguement, your right school is for learning...and we'll assume work is for working, etc. Just do us a favor, don't question "why is the world so dark?" ...when you shut out it's lights. For others weighing this issue, maybe a spreadsheet containing verses relevant to schooling, and those relevant to evangelism. See if God implies your being an example for him should be separtate from anything you do.

As i pointed out before, I'm not completely opposed to home schooling , nor do I deny that it has produced valued members of society. What I take issue with is ill-equipped , un-prepared individuals who cheat their children of a well-rounded, experience-filled education due to some manufactured biblical narrative assumed from a time when there was no organized education or rapidly changing technologies to become familiar with. If people are choosing home schooling for the sole reasons the author states in the article...that's just wrong.


I think it's great you are examining the avenues, and weighing the options, on a topic that is not quite so blatent in scripture, thats all we can do. Try to make the best decisions based on available knowledge, circustances, and surroundings.

My personal opinion is that regardless of which schooling system a parent chooses, (and since there is no such thing as "christian math" or "christian english") as long as they are teaching their children to be prepared to give a defense, an answer for the hope that lies within them...their "christian education" is well under way.

abqchunk said...

Wow! I took a couple of days off and I had no idea about what was going on here!
I would like to say that although I am anti-home schooling, I certainly don't condemn people who choose it. If that's what you feel is right for your family, then go for it. I wish we as Christians and just as people in general, would learn to respect other's decisions w/o judgement as long as it is still in the right realm. That of course is why there is so much conflict because we all can't decide what is right and wrong and to what degree. My family chooses to have two incomes and to send our children to public school. We feel that while they are still under our influence and living in our home that we would like for them to come to us when they encounter things and situations they are unsure of so that we can give them guidance and correction. I love a good discussion w/o name calling and condecension. I see people really locked on to the "socially retarded" comment. Of the people I've come across that have been home-schooled, I said before and will say again, only about 1 or 2 are actually people I would want to be around. Likewise, I have come across many people who have gone to public and private school, and I don't want to associate w/them. There are some people I don't want anything to do with no matter what their educational background, their religion, their race, etc. I don't think how you have been educated or not defines who you are. I am disappointed in this "man" who decrees that we are yank our kids out of life and shelter them. At what point is a good age to let them go. 20? 25? 40? I don't like his mentality and use of declaring something "in the name of God." To me, that doesn't make us any different from the pigs that crashed our planes into the twin towers in the name of Allah.

R said...

That's cool. I agree with the non-sheltering thing. I understand the "sheltering" aspect of some homeschooling parents. I am not one of those (I don't think).

I forgot to mention that a secondary reason I homeschool is because my son is autistic and the school system (he was in kindergarten part time years ago for social therapy and then he was also in for language therapy). The doctor prescribed a larger amount of therapy than the school system was willing to give---a very pathetic amount of time, actually, was the school system willing to give---forty minutes a week, to be precise. I think that is pathetic. He needed a ton. I worked really hard during that year to help him out and he pulled through pretty well.
I think about my son now and try to envision him in a classroom setting. He couldn't do it, frankly. I have to literally hold his hand through his studies (although he is absolutely brilliant) or he gets distracted, cries, or hops around, etc. I am working on his independence and he seems to be doing pretty well, but he would never be able to hack it with twenty kids or even five. I could see him also easily falling into the bad crowd because he is easily influenced. The teacher would have very little tolerance for him and trust me, it is hard to tolerate him sometimes! He is a full time job. I just want him to grow up to be a sort of normal adult.

Also, I know I have sounded strong about homeschooling "only", but I really am not a homeschooling only person at all. I don't agree with that idea. I have good friends that have their kids in public school and I respect that decision. My own opinion is that it would be better that they did not have their kids in PS, but I don't say that because it really is none of my business. If I really could, I would have my kids in private school, believe it or not. I think it is a good idea that Christians could pull their children out of the school systems so that it would collapse (and it truly would--but that is another arguement I am not willing to argue about) but it is never going to happen. So in reality, a guy telling others to do it is sort of silly.

I do still believe that bad seed does corrupt good morals. It is just too true to deny.

Thanks for listening to me!