Friday, March 16, 2007

I wanna be sedated

Where to begin?
To start with, I've been absent because we have had a lot going on. We've spent at least 18 hours total in the ER because something happened to the Hubbs foot and no one can figure it out. He was in extreme pain and it would turn purple when he stood up, so the first thought was a blood clot. Thankfully, that's not the case. I did get to see where he works and I met a lot of the people he works with. (That is another post in and of itself!)
Meanwhile, the little one had been sick and out of school for three days, the Travidoo and I were fighting allergies, the laundry needed to be done, the house needed to be cleaned, dinner needed to be made, purchases from the gap needed to be made, and the world needed saving.
I honestly can't believe I just wrote about the most horrendous past week and half or so in just a few sentences. It's been crazy and stressful, but that's life, right?
Right now, we are still trying to get a definite answer about the Hubbs foot. The pain isn't quite as bad, but still there and while he isn't using crutches anymore, he is in a boot and hobbling around.
The Hurricane is back to full force gale winds, and the Travidoo and I discovered the wonders of Apple Cider Vinegar. That stuff smells so nasty, but! we have been putting about a teaspoon of it in some juice and gulping it down. It's better than any drugs I've taken! I still sneeze once and while and have to blow my nose a couple of times a day, but I'm not sitting in the car in the morning with tears streaming down my face. I haven't gone through a box of tissue yet. I haven't taken one pill for allergies. Travidoo doesn't have dark circles under his eyes from being so miserable with allergies. I'm telling you, it's a miracle!
So, that's it in a nutshell. On the plus side, I've already gotten a lot of my spring cleaning done.


Danielle said...

That is so ironic! I just started an apple cider vinegar regiman to help my skin and whatever else it helps to fix! I have some capsules that I take but I think taking it in juice would be more effective. I occasionally drink it in hot water but it is nasty. I never thought to try it for my allergies!

Anonymous said...

well, I'll be interested to hear more about the hubbs foot, and what in the world is wrong with it