this article and then come back to me.
This makes me so angry. How stupid and ignorant can you be? When Jesus walked the Earth did he go around encouraging his disciples to only talk to Christians? Did he say that we should stick our heads in the sand when things aren't centered around God? I'm sorry but this mentality makes me furious. The whole reason we don't have prayer in our schools anymore is because we as Christians sat back and let it happen. The whole reason our schools are going to pot is because we as Christians have pulled all our children out of public schools so we therefore no longer have any influence nor are any of our children witnessing to those that need it the most. The way I see it, we have taken our light and hid it under a bushel, just like the song says we shouldn't do and it's also in scripture, Matthew 5:14.
I honestly do not understand this mentality. If we only go to Christian schools, or heaven forbid, homeschool, then only work in a christian environment, and only socialize w/people that go to church, then my question is, when do you fulfill your purpose to witness and tell of God's word? If we shut ourselves off and only have minimal contact w/"non believers," wouldn't that be called a cult?
Remember what happened to Jonah when he didn't go and preach like he was asked to? There's a whole book about it.
My Bible very clearly talks about how Jesus consistently went out and touched
everyone's lives. Not just the pretty people, or the people he saw in church, or even the people that came to Him. He sought people out and when there was a need he went and
showed of God's love by his actions and his words. God wants us all to be with him in Heaven, the choice is ours, and it's our responsibility to make sure everyone has been given the opportunity to hear about God. It's up to us to live and be Christlike so that people will see that we are different and want to know where our strength comes from. He called us to be fishers of men.
How sad for people to even say that Christianity is the best kept secret.
Matthew 5:16
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
addendum 1:
I just re-read the article and now I'm upset about another thing this person is saying. He says, "the vast majority of Christian children who attend public schools lose their faith."
A. Where does this information come from? Are ALL of our kids losing their faith?
B. Would that really be the fault of the public schools or should we maybe take a look at how we've run our household and the example they've had? How involved are we as parents in their school? Since this man is making some pretty broad generalizations, let's give a little leeway to me also. I know that you can have the most devout Christians who have raised their kids in the church and done everything humanly possible to make sure they are also Christians, and yet they become heathens like no other. We also have to consider the child that had the worst example of family and the most heinous of upbringing's and then goes on to become a pastor or even a shining example of how we should live and loves God whole heartedly.
C. I would like to know how many kids have been home-schooled or gone to a Christian school and lost their faith. Of the people I know personally who have been homeschooled, I would say only a couple are still firmly rooted in their faith AND living a clean lifestyle, not to mention the few that actually graduated. I also went to a youth group at a church that had a school. After those couple of years of torture, I promised myself that I would never, as long as it was possible, NEVER send my kids to a christian school. Those kids were the most pretentious, stuck up, socially retarded, and just plain meanest kids I have ever come across. The way I saw it was, that you send your bratty little kids to a Christian school so they can walk around like their poop doesn't stink, and they will never learn to welcome people and be friendly because they have only ever had to socialize with the ten other people in their class, and you will have kids that have no idea how to deal with real world issues when they are no longer in their little bubble.
addendum 2:
I have had this article in my planner for six years now. There is a date on it of October 22, 2000. I've kept it because it really says what I feel in a much better way than I can.
It is written by Lee Fruh
"Tori, our youngest, started kindergarten this fall. She didn't go quietly. The week before school started, she boldly declared, 'Mom, I'm not going to school. I'm going to stay home with you and be stupid.'
In many ways, her mom and I would prefer that. Not that she be stupid, but that she stay home. We take no joy in the thought of what she will endure in her academic career: stubbed toes, broken hearts, confusing concepts, tests of faith. But in Tori's case, we know that going to school is the best way for her to prepare for life. Particularly, the Christian life.
You see...Christians go.
God set the example. He sent His Son out of comfort and safety into the hard, cold, painful reality of the world. Then after Jesus endured it all--including treachery and murder--He turned to those dear to Him and with His last words while on earth said, 'Go' (Matthew 28:19) For 2,000 years now, His followers have left their houses, towns, countries and cultures to go.
It's morning now. As I work at my computer, it occurs to me how incredibly quiet it is. No doors slamming, no shouting, no pitter-patter of little roller blades marking up the floor, no interruptions in the middle of a profound thought.
Meanwhile, Tori is in a school yard, running, giggling, screaming. There is sand in her hair and a bruise on her shin. Already she's beginning to pay the price for going.
Daddy feels a tinge of sadness, but no regret. Because Tori is learning to do what Christians do...they go.