Last night we did the Relay for Life w/my company. We raise money for cancer awareness and there is a 12 hour marathon that goes on at Balloon Fiesta Park. We put together a team and have someone on the field for each hour walking the track. At the opening ceremony they have different people speakering and we sing the National Anthem and then all the survivors take a victory lap. It's always amazing to me all the different types of people that are out there. Some are older, some are teenagers, some are moms and dads w/young kids. It's an important cause and I appreciate that our company contributes.
We usually pick a theme and then dress up. This year was the '50's.
It was so much fun to wear a poodle skirt and saddle shoes! My mom made skirts for my friend and I. I haven't decided if I will post the pictures yet.
Anyway, the picture I did post is of Trish Hoffman and her fiance. Trish is our spokeswoman for APD. She is such a neat person! Her and her fiance were very gracious and she signed Hurricane's t-shirt for Rele. She is the one who escorted the bug-eyed runaway bride through the airport. She also reminds us Deputy Clementine Johnson from Reno 911!
We had a good time and it was for a good cause. See ya again next year!
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