This weekend my uncle delivered my mom's piano to me! My mom gave it to my aunt, and I always told her if she didn't want it anymore to please, let me have. The time has come! I have always loved this piano. My mom would sit and play hymns on it. I took lessons for about a year, and went through 4 or 5 books, but I am sad to say, I didn't continue. One of a few things I regret.
Anyway, I am so happy to it in my home now. I found out that my grandparents had given it to my mom when she was about 18, I think she said. I always thought it was something her and my dad bought. So, now it is even more special that she's had it since she was a teenager. I hope to get it tuned and then start taking lessons again.
It's one of those things though that makes me aprehensive because I always loved how my mom could play and what if I don't get it? What if when I play she is cringing inside because I'm doing it wrong? Yes, we've already covered that I am a perfectionist, and then to add to that a skill that my mom has perfected, at least in my mind, forget it. That's why I never took sewing. My mom is an excellent seamtress. She took up quilting a while back and she makes the neatest quilts. I only recently learned how to hem my pants, which I would be MORTIFIED if she ever turned up the hem to look at the job I've done! Not because it's bad, but because I don't want to disappoint her.
Anyway, we will see when and if I can't get some lessons in. I'm just happy to have it sitting in my living room against my terracotta walls!
Thank you Aunt Cindy and especially Uncle Larry for bringing it to me from St. Louis.
that piano is soooo beautiful. it looks like my moms piano. she plays hymns as well. but i never could get into that. she can also sew. now on the hemming thing, well, lets see. how do i put this. i use duct tape?
how did you find me? i'm always curious how i pick up new people. so, it's going to be fun to get to know you, and have a great day!!
Hi Susiebadoozie. I think I figured out how I found you. I read about your trip w/Emmasometimes from the bee's knees and I found her through Danielle @ the singerzwife, who I found through mcbunni @ it's ok, I'm with the band, and I'm not sure how I found her. She must have commented on another blog and I went from there?
You can't be perfect in everything. If you don't play like your mother, that's fine as long as you enjoy it, that's what counts! It is a lovely piano by the way, a great addition to anyone's home but yours has a history and something you can hand down to your kids.
great piano. HAHAH! I found you through Foo.
HEY Badoozer, what are you doing here!?
its kinda cool how these things get started.
like for example, i met uncle joe from jamie dawns blog, then he visited mine, then i visited his, then i visited aunt josephina, then we started emailing, and now we are really good friends, and i'm going to meet her in person.
on emmers, i can't really remember how i got to her, honestly i don't. i might think of it someday, but i think it was a god thing. she's been such an awsome friend for me. i love bloggers, they are so good to me!
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